A universal genius and pretty tough cookie, available exclusively at NOLL’s: Our impact whirl mill DemiNo® tells you all about its latest processing tricks – always first thing on our starting page.
DemiNo® is unique. Its impact whirl mill technology unites pin mill and whirlwind principles in a single machine and helps you save an entire processing step: direct grinding, no additional classifier needed.
DemiNo® is all possibilities and no limits. For instance in processing foodstuffs: As »Spice Girl«, it can tame stubborn roots or difficult foliate plants, achieving up to Mohs 7. As »Coffee Lady«, it is used for cryo-grinding and homogenizing coffee powder. And it excels in shifting the proteins of valuable leguminosae…
Want to know more about DemiNo® and its magic tricks? Just click on “mills”, and you’ll find all the technical specifications you need on our pretty tough cookie.